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Get Amplified

The primary goal of this website is to connect customers to artists. The first step to making that happen is adding your artist profile to our artists directory. Your artist profile is how you will share your art and introduce yourself to people browsing this site. Visitors will be able to connect with you through the social media links or website you provide. 


The process is simple...

1. Have ready any digital images, YouTube videos, links, documents, and artist statement you might want to share.
2. Create a free account
3. Add your artist profile

Once you submit your profile it will be reviewed then added to the website within 2-3 business days. If you are an artist who works in multiple fields of art you may add one profile per discipline. If you decide you want to change or add something to your profile don't worry, you will have the ability to edit your existing artist profile at any time.

So get creating and get connecting!

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